OMG has it really been over a month since I last posted?! It seems like only yesterday we were pushing cars around the bush! Since my last post, we had our 'family holiday' at Venus Bay. I had work and other commitments, so I could only come down for a few days at a time. That didnt stop me from making the most of my time... I decided that we should really visit Wilson's Prom while we were down there, so we all piled into the car and drove to Wilsons Prom for a picnic. After eating, we went swimming at Tidal River, and on the way home stopped for a look at Squeeky Beach. The sand at Squeeky Beach is soo fine that it actually squeeks when you walk on it. Quite amazing really... hehe
The second time I went down to Venus Bay, we just went to the beach that was there... It has such a fancy name too, "Venus Bay Beach 1". Maybe they were feeling very un-inspired when they discovered Venus Bay. I had a swim in the water and rode the waves on my body board. It was all very tireing though, so I went back to the shore and lay down in the sun.... **FATAL MISTAKE** I fell asleep in the sun and managed to burn my legs and all up my back. I was in bed for the next couple weeks, and Mum bought all the creams and sprays on the market for sunburns.
I also got a sore throught at the same time, so I visited the doctor. She seemed to think that I could have Glandular Fever, and she sentanced me to bed rest... at least until my blood test came back. When the test came back, it seems that I dont have Glandular Fever, but I am slightly low on iron. Interesting, because our family eats more red meat than anyone else I know! So now I am all better, taking some iron suppliments and trying to eat more iron. Maybe thats why I was tired???
Anyways, I'm sure that everyone dosent want to hear about my health problems... something more exciting is that I finally took the plunge and bought all the stuff I need to wirelessly network the house! (how exciting!!) After about a week of setting up, it finally works... and along the way I learned how to make cat5 data cable... (I should say, I learned how to "crimp" the ends) and I learned a thing or two about how to configure IP addresses to work together... even if that was with the help of the lady from netgear.
I hope everyone has a fantastic Valentines Day, and that your special someone knows you care.