Now that my trumpet is out of the way, I have started working on a toaster project. It's a group project, and we have to reverse engineer a toaster, then re-design it so that a blind person can use it safely

Well, I finally finished my big stint of work! I worked on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I am certainly feeling the effects of burning the candle at both ends! Last night I went with some friends to be in the studio audience of the X factor. It was live on chanel ten.
It was really interesting to see all the sets and how they put a show like that together. I had never seen the X factor before, but its alot like idol, so I caught on pretty quickly.
After the filming, we went back to Cheyne's place and watched the show. (we recorded it) The way the show was edited, it was hard for me to see us in the audience! Lucky I knew where we had sat.
Today is my little brother's birthday, and to celebrate, I am having one of
the busiest days i have had all this year! This morning I have Uni, with my
normal lectures and tutorials. I also have a lab today, which I dont
normally have. Gavin did the lab yesterday and said he found it easy, so
there probably isnt anything to worry about. I'm leaving Uni early today so
that I can goto work, I picked up all of Kate's shifts while she is on work
placement, so I end up working a couple hours on Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday. After work tonight, I have my first church
council meeting. I am looking forward to it, but I dont know exactly the
kind of things we are going to talk about. I'm guessing alot of it will be
upkeep matters and money matters. It could be different though, I dont know.