Toasty by Andrew Weeks and Andrew Wheatland

This is very important.. a must read for you all!
If someone comes to your front door and says they are conducting a Survey
and asks you to show them your arse, DO NOT show them your arse.
This is a scam; they just want to see your arse.
I wish I'd got this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap .
Wow, reading through my last post, I find it hard to believe that was an
entire month ago! it seems like it was just yesterday. (gee I sound old)
hehe. Anyways, I'm back from house sitting now. The time away from home
was much needed and I think that it really helped me work out some stuff.
Since I last wrote, I have had exams, which all went just superly. =D I
studied enough (i think) and I felt good about sitting the exam. One of
my exams was Mechanics of Structures, and the other was Materials and
Processes. I also had a couple projects due for design after I had done
all my exams. The main project was the toaster for blind people that I
designed in conjunction with Weeksy. I should have some photos of this
up soon, it's just a matter of finding them again hehe.
While I was away, I lost my phone for a day. I thought it was lost
forever, until Evan called it and some random guy picked it up.
Apparently I had left it on the nature strip, and it had rained that
night. The guy had come past in the morning and picked it up while he
was walking his dog. Because of the rain, the keypad wasn't working, so
I got a quote on how much it would cost to repair it. Turned out it
would be cheaper to replace the handset than repair it. So I went out
and bought a LG C1100 handset. And all was right in my world again....
until my old Nokia started working again! Now I have to sell one of the
phones, so the LG is getting sold. I think my mum and dad want to buy
it, but I'm not sure. If they don't take it, Phil will. hehe.
Anyways, I'm back home now, and everything is back to normal. I'm
thinking that I should get a second casual job or perhaps volunteer
somewhere to keep me occupied over this holidays.