I haven't posted in a while, which should tell you that I have a very
boring life. Holidays from Uni always brings boredom, and I can never
get as much work at Kmart as I would like during the holiday period. Oh
well, I guess its all over now, because Uni went back today. I had two
lectures today, both are focusing on how materials can be processed to
make useful products. I'm not that worried about these subjects because
they seem to have a decent pass rate. I'm a little worried about another
of my subjects, 'machine dynamics'. Just the name is scary... I hope
they move slowly, but knowing the way the uni works, they wont move slow
enough! Anyways, it was a lot of fun to catch up with what everyone has
done over the holidays, and we went to the Hawthorn pub to hang out
between lectures.
Tonight I have work, we are doing stock take, so that means I have three
and a half hours of scanning every product on every shelf of Kmart. It's
a rather large task, and I have been rostered to help out tonight and
the next two nights. I guess the money will be good, and I don't really
have to deal with customers.
On Saturday night I went out to dinner at La Porchetta (is that how u
spell it?) and then went to see "Monster In Law" in V-max at Knox. It
was very funny! I'd highly recommend it. Tho maybe I liked it because my
family is going through the whole ordeal of planning a wedding at the
moment. That would make mu mother the monster.... thats a bit scary. LOL.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Goodbye holidays, hello Uni
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Chinese food
Last night the Wheatland clan visited the local Chinese restaurant. When
I say "Wheatland clan", I mean Dad, Mum, Peter, Phil, Matthew, Richard,
Shane, Uncle Mark, Aunty Belinda, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Steve, Aunty
Sue and myself. Anyways, there was a reason we were all out and about
eating Chinese food, and that reason is because Uncle Mark turned 45! We
ate really nice food, but we forgot the cake! Instead of cake, Uncle
Mark had ice cream with a sparkler in it. After the Chinese restaurant
we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house, and had more ice cream and
more chocolates and cookies. We all headed home at about 12:30 in the
morning. It was quite a fun night.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

We are getting into full swing with organising the party tram. This is the first flyer I have made. If anyone is interested in going and isnt in rovers, contact me at wheaties@myrealbox.com We would love to have u come along, but be aware that you need to be 18+ at the time of the event. (at this stage that looks to be in late October)

Sunday, July 10, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Road Trip!
One of the "must see" icons of Victoria is the 12 Apostles and Loch Ard
Gorge. On Monday, I went on a road trip with Sravan and some of his
friends from Adelaide to see these huge land formations. We left at
7.00am from Sravan's house and drove via CityLink through Geelong to
Steel's place. Steel goes to uni in Adelaide with the others, and has
just come home for the holidays. We had a quick tour around the farm,
which is really more of a hobby farm. It was fun to see how 'country
like' it could be just 15 mins out of Geelong.
After our quick pit stop at the farm, we proceeded onwards through
Torquay, and onto the Great Ocean Road. We followed the Great Ocean Road
to Lorne before stopping for lunch. We had packed a lunch of sandwiches
and soup. We pressed onwards to the Cape Otway lighthouse, and climbed
to the top of the lighthouse. Cape Otway is the point where the Bass
Straight ends and the Southern Ocean begins. We've got some photos, but
I will have to post them up later. From Cape Otway to the 12 Apostles,
Sravan drove. It gave me a much needed rest from driving, because it's a
long way to go.
We arrived at the 12 Apostles around 4pm, and spent an hour or two
looking at the formations and Loch Ard.
That area of the coast has quite a colorful past, and there were several
ships that sunk off the coast. One of these ships was the Loch Ard.
There were only two survivors from the Loch Ard, they had to take
shelter overnight in one of the caves, which I imagine would have been
quite scary!
After we saw the Apostles, we headed inland, stopping at Colac to get
some pizza for dinner. We headed home after that, using CityLink again.
We arrived back at Sravan's place around 10.30pm.
It was a long trip, but well worth the effort!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Stupid Overheating PC
Well, over the last couple of weeks, some of you will have been aware
that my computer has taken a liking to randomly turning off or
restarting. This can be quite annoying, especially when you are in the
middle of something. I got David to come and take a look at it earlier
this week. He seemed to think that it was an overheating issue. After
much fiddling around in the BIOS, we managed to get it to run reasonably
stable for a while. We turned on the temperature management controls,
and put the fan speed adjustment to automatic. We also turned off the
hyper-threading, and that REALLY made my computer go slow. I think its
working pretty stable now, but I will definitely want to goto a swap
meet and get another heat sync for my CPU, then I can turn
hyper-threading back on.
Wow, that was a really nerdy post. The other things I have been doing
over the past week include going to friends places, running errands for
Dad, chatting on msn and generally killing time. Oh the holidays are so