Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The mad rush.

Well, just under two weeks of Uni classes left, and someone has pushed the panic button. The past couple of days have been a blur of part time work, and assignments and wood shavings. Perhaps I should explain, I had my first shift at Kmart in my department, 'Sound and Vision'. It's really cool, we get to choose the music to play in the area where the cds are, instead of 'kmart radio' like the rest of the store. And also, we get to play with all the cool new expensive gadgets. Unfortunatly, a large portion of product from our department gets stolen, so we have to carefuly put security tags on everything, or put a dummy product on shelf. More thought goes into shoplifting prevention than I expected. I have another shift this coming Thursday.
Uni work is reaching fever pitch, and every week it seems we have assignments due in and tests to study for. My biggest assignment is my lamp, I've posted some concept illustrations up here before. Now I am working on building a working model out of HDF, it's very time consuming, but it's going well, and the results are impressive. I'm really quite lucky to have a Dad who can help me out with this kind of thing. Dad has worked on it with me, and I've learned a lot about how to use the lathe that Grandpa owns. At the same time, at uni we have been completing a unit of work about internal strains and stresses, and I can just imagine the stresses we are placing on the wod to shape it correctly! One part broke off, but is able to be fixed, another part also snapped off, but will be harder to fix. I'll try and post some photos.
I've also been going to these confirmation classes for church, which have been interesting, and I think my confirmation will be fairly soon, though a date hasnt been set,

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