Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Exams... ARRGHH!!!

Long time no blog, ey? I have had a decent excuse though, exams... I've finished one exam, which went well I thought. I've two more exams to contend with, Maths and Electronic Systems. Both will be challenging, but Electronics has me more scared than maths.
Since last time I posted, I finished off a rendering folio for design, and quit my job at the post office. I'm just working at Kmart now, which is a lot closer to home, and a lot more enjoyable than the post office. Almost everyone at Kmart is my age, and they are really cool.
Today I went into uni to look over some past exams, which was kinda helpful. I have to study it more closely though. I need to stop playing sims 2! It's so addictive. I've made a couple custom sims, and so now I am trying to create the perfect neighborhood, filled with sims based on my friends. hehe. That's for after exams though... lol.
Anyways, untill next time,


Andrew said...
This is my friend's Live Journal. Go check it out.

Anonymous said...

Or don't... It's not very interesting *hides*

Since you did it to me last semester: HAHAHA I FINISHED ON TUESDAY :-P

I don't have Sims *shrugs*