Sunday, July 17, 2005

Chinese food

Last night the Wheatland clan visited the local Chinese restaurant. When
I say "Wheatland clan", I mean Dad, Mum, Peter, Phil, Matthew, Richard,
Shane, Uncle Mark, Aunty Belinda, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Steve, Aunty
Sue and myself. Anyways, there was a reason we were all out and about
eating Chinese food, and that reason is because Uncle Mark turned 45! We
ate really nice food, but we forgot the cake! Instead of cake, Uncle
Mark had ice cream with a sparkler in it. After the Chinese restaurant
we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house, and had more ice cream and
more chocolates and cookies. We all headed home at about 12:30 in the
morning. It was quite a fun night.

1 comment:

ann-da-panda said...

weren't you sick:)