Thursday, October 06, 2005

What a week!

I'd like to start out this entry with a little plug for another blog
I've found, is run by a man who was
caught up in hurricane Katrina. He's a photographer, and has been
documenting his experiences throughout the last weeks.
As you will have noticed, I have been getting slack posting anything
other than photos. This is because of two reasons; one is that it is
less than one month until my exams, and the other is because my car
recently got broken into. As you can see from my previous entries, I
have been doing alot of design work. Our group project is coming along
nicely, and I had a nice surprise today when I found out that the
research stage of our project was awarded full marks! (that never
happens in uni!) The other subjects I am studying are winding up, and
getting ready to review for exams.
I mentioned earlier that my car got broken into. This was the first part
of my recent string of bad luck, which has frusterated me greatly. I
worked last Monday night, and when I returned to my car after my shift,
I discovered that the passenger's front window was smashed! (what kind
of a person does that!?) Anyway, it seems the theives were only after my
nail clipper set (of all things!!) and they left the rest of the car
untouched. Why they needed to do their nails that badly is beyond me. I
proceded to drive my car down to the police station to fill out the
victims of crime form, and while I was there, I bumped into a girl who
works in the same shopping complex and I do. The same thing happened to
her car, although the thieves were after her cd player. Dad came to the
police station with me, and it turns out that he used to square dance
with her parents, so he offored to fix her window at the same time as he
was fixing mine. The next day, Dad went to the wreckers before work and
picked up the parts he needed.
Tuesday I had all planned out. I was going straight home after uni to
get my passport form processed. I had a big list of other things I had
to look at too. Everything was going great until we reached heathmont
station (2 stations before the one I get off at). On approaching the
station we discovered that a young man had been hit by the train coming
the other direction. I dont know if it was suicide, but I am pretty sure
he will be in a very bad way when he reached hospital. That prevented me
from getting to the post office until 4pm. The lady at the post office
said i was too late to aply for a passport and I would have to come back
tomorrow. I wasnt happy. I got home and called customer service, and we
sorted out a time that I could go to the chapel street post office the
next day and have it processed there. David had his wedding rehersal
later that night.
Wednesday I finally mad it to the post office to get my passport done.
The application was declined due to the grin I had in the photos I
supplied. This was most annoying, seen as we had the photos
professionally taken. The man at the post office took a new photo for
me, and I had to take it back home to get Mauris to re-sign the back of
it. Today I took the new photos back and the form was accepted, so now I
just have to wait till I get it in 5-10 working days. next week I should
have it, yay! This evening I was planning on putting new glass into my
car, but unfortunately we discovered that the window that dad bought was
factory tinted, and my windows arent tinted at all. Tomorrow Dad will
take the window back and get one that is the right color.
Drama Drama Drama! - Andrew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh someone broke into my car. They stole my vodka. Tried to steal my radio but failed. But then they locked up after themselves. It was very strange.