Thursday, November 10, 2005

3 more sleeps

I have just 3 sleeps to go before I leave for Germany.
Yesterday I didn't study one bit. The day was a write off. The morning was spent going to the US consulate in Melbourne to sort out my US passport. (and my brothers' US passports too). All went reasonably smoothly, but it did take a little time for them to process all the paperwork. There was so much security on the consulate that half that time was spent getting in and out of the building! On our way back from the city we went shopping for my birthday presents, and came back with a 1GB SD card for my camera, and a spare battery for my camera too. Then I had to goto work, and on my way home I stopped off at Rita's place to borrow a suitcase for the trip. All our suitcases have broken wheels or are too big, so I borrowed one thats just the right size (I hope!).
Later this afternoon I have an exam, it's worth 80% of the subject and lasts for two hours. I hope I can do well on it, considering that I haven't studied for it over the last two days. I'm sure all will be ok. I'll let you know if anything terrible happens and I fail it or something.
Anyway, I have to get going, I have some errands to run before I leave for the exam.

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