Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Blogging on the run...

I think I have to admit to everyone that I have an addiction... Blogging. Why is it that I feel compelled to tell everyone about my boring life? Is my life blog-worthy? Why is it that as soon as I get on the train I get out my phone and start to type an entry? Its probably because the phone is a new toy.... But what he this persists? Is it a problem?
Anyway, on with the rest of this entry. Today we had some interesting classes, one being thermo fluid systems. I know this sounds horribly boring, but in actual fact our teacher is really trying to present the subject in an interesting way. He described the three states of matter today by likening one to each stage of human life. Child, adult, nursing home, and death.
My other class for the day was engineering management. We got to complete a personality indicator test, so eventually we will know what kind of personality I have.
After uni, I went to the hawthorn pub for dinner before going to rovers.
At rovers we discussed the upcoming events on the rover calendar. I think the next couple of months should be very different from our typical events. Perhaps it will be more balanced? When it gets all typed up, I hope to have it posted to the rover web site.


Anonymous said...

Wow andrew, i think your text-to-pictures ratio on your blog is getting a bit out of hand!


Ben said...

Nothing wrong with it! I have a Livejournal client on my phone.. I use it a fair bit, especially when out on the town, or travelling..