Monday, March 06, 2006


Sunday was quite a busy day. I was to lead the worship service at church, which includes writing a short sermon. Then I visited the knox festival, being held in the parkland near my old venturer den.
The worship service at church seemed to go well, with lots of positive feedback. It was reassuring that people appreciated all the planning and effort that goes into preparing and running a worship service. There were also some good suggestions offered for ways to improve my skills in presenting. The first is that I should make sure that I am not too tall for the microphone. The second is that I should look up more while speaking.
The afternoon was spent at the knox festival. I managed to catch up with my old scout leaders and a couple people from church and work. Chris and I say a demonstration of the state emergency service using the laws of life. These are basically a giant pair of scissors connected to a power source. They used them to cut a man out of his car.
After the festival, I was hot and bothered. This was addressed with a short dip in Chris's pool before church. At evening church they had a guest speaker. He was the Chaplin for melbourne footy club.
All in all, it was quite a day.

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