Yesterday was a fairly busy day, I had planned to spend the morning sleeping, but was rudely awoken by the phone ringing. It was the lady from the curtain shop calling, she said that the man who was supposed to come and install the curtains later in the day was actually sick, and would come around tomorrow. Seen as I was now awake, I decided to set to work updating my blog. (Oh the joys of a laptop, I could update from the comfort of my bed.)
I also spent some time organizing thank you notes, until I ran out of paper! I then turned my attention to getting my affairs in order before going to work at Oates. I paid my licence renewal, and I burned heaps of stuff off my computer. I was hoping to free up a couple few gigs of space, but I don't know how successful I was at it. I have one more major memory hog left on my computer, which is Matthew's 21st birthday party video. I burned a few DVDs of the video, but I could not fit the source files onto a DVD, so I won't be able to edit it again at a later stage.
In the afternoon, I took some thank you notes to people. I just did the letter-box drop thing, as it was easier and quicker. When I arrived home, I set to work preparing salad to take to Diana's dinner party.
The dinner party was something we had all wanted to do for a long time, but had just never gotten around to doing. Diana decided that we have to do it before the house is sold, and seen as the real estate agent put up their sign today, we really didn't have a lot of time left.
Everyone brought along a plate to share for the dinner party. I was assigned the job of preparing salad. I may have gone a little overboard, (I used two whole heads of lettuce), but I think everyone liked the salad. There was heaps left over, so we donated it to Diana's fridge.
As the party went on, there was playing of poker, and GameCube, and Nintendo DS. I won against Diana while playing the DS minigames. (yay! a video game I can win at). I was not so successful with mario racing on the GameCube. I got first place in one race, but usually Oilang would beat me! Once we were all sick of the video games, we dragged out the kareoke player and sang our little hearts out.
The whole night was so much fun, and Chris and I didn't go home until very late. (I think we crawled into bed around 2am) I took a time lapse video of the events as they unfolded over the evening. They are in the video I posted earlier today.
On a little side note, I wish I had played with the time lapse program more than I did before my birthday party. The video I took of he dinner party is cooler than the one I took at my party, because I did it with different settings.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
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