Sunday, February 26, 2006

Over the weekend, Chris's family was minding Cory for a friend. Cory was full of energy, but Tim got tired out!  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Easing back into Uni life.

I suppose my return to University for this year really started last Friday, when I helped to set up the exhibition paying homage to the Germany 2005 experience. The exhibition formally opened on Tuesday. All went smoothly, and it was great to see so many people come along to share stories and good times. I have posted up some photos from the night, so I hope that says it all.
I was so much looking forward to seeing my older brother, David, for the night of my first exhibition, but he didn't come to see my work. Most disappointing That was the only let-down of the evening.
Wednesday I took a day to gather together my thoughts about Germany, and finished off some drawings for assessment. I have to present these along with a short talk about what I gained from the professional project while overseas. Wednesday night I spent preparing bits and pieces for a worship service I am supposed to lead at church on the 5th of March.
That brings us to today, Thursday. I spent today at Uni again, showing the new PDE students around the campus, and helping them figure out how to organize their classes and such. The day was really great, I even learned a thing or two while listening to the information sessions run by the student union and the course co-ordinators. Tonight I got home rather exhausted from the whole day. I put together a few last things for my presentation tomorrow, and pray that I will be able to talk for the whole time.
I really hope I don't just babble on. I can tell I am babbling on now, so I should goto bed. Goodnight world.

After the official tours, the students were all invited to a free game of bowling at STRIKE bowling bar, which is just down the street from Uni. I didnt do too well with the bowling, but I did have fun. I think I should organise a bunch of friends to come here and try bowling one night before hitting the nearby clubs.  Posted by Picasa

Linda, Mauris and I helped out showing the new PDE students around the Prahran campus today. Posted by Picasa

The German group at the exhibition on Tuesday. Posted by Picasa

Linda, Mauris and I helped out showing the new PDE students around the Prahran campus today. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

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Dan shares some memories over some German beer. Posted by Picasa

This is my board as it was displayed on the night. Posted by Picasa

Each student had one display board with text and images detailing what the German experience meant to them. Many sighted the time spent overseas as a time of growth and renewal.  Posted by Picasa

German Study Tour Exhibition. Posted by Picasa

Yours truely and Kade.  Posted by Picasa

Diana, Mauris and I.  Posted by Picasa

Grandma even came to see mt first exhibition! Posted by Picasa

The German Study Tour Exhibition opening brought a few surprises. I invited Pam Denton, who taught me visual communication through high school, and it turns out that she taught my teacher for last semester! What a small world. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 20, 2006

I managed to get the wheel on without any problems. Posted by Picasa

I was pretty puzzled at how exactly to use the spare wheel. Posted by Picasa

Hard at work. Posted by Picasa

The culprit: a screw that found it's way into my tyre. Posted by Picasa

Steph and Shaun at the maroondah fest. (photo taken on my new nokia 6280) Posted by Picasa

Portia and Ann at the maroondah fest. (again taken on the new nokia 6280) Posted by Picasa

Dance for joy at paying off the church loan!  Posted by Picasa

We also managed to try the heal-toe polka... I think thats what it's called. LOL Posted by Picasa

Busy, Busy Boy.

My last post concluded with lunch on Friday at TGI Fridays. (How odd that we went there on a Friday) That evening I worked at Kmart.
Saturday was a reasonably busy day too. In the morning I helped Mum clean out the games cupboard in the kitchen to make way for the new china hutch. Dad decided we needed one to store all our plates and things in. I dont know how many plates we will actually put in it, but it isnt a bad idea. There is one little thing he's overlooked though, and that is to find a new home for the old cupboard. Maybe we should list it on freecycle. The new hutch is in our kitchen now, and looks good. I then went to Chris's place for lunch before going shopping at Knox. I bought a new shirt. It was a pretty good deal, because they had marked it down so much and had a %off sale on. The shirt cost me only $13.80 and looks awesome. Chris didnt buy anything, but it was nice to go shopping with him and just spend a little time. That night, there was a party at church to celebrate paying off our mortgage. All the church buildings are now paid for! There was lots of party food, party games and dancing. Quite an enjoyable night. Seen as the church party ended earlyish, we went along with Jeff and John to see a movie. Apparently it was pretty new; "Date Movie" is one of those films you arent even supposed to try to take seriously. It insulted almost every romantic comedy ever made.
Sunday was busy again, with church in the morning, followed by lunch then church again. Morning church was quite good, it was great to see Allison out and about on her new electric scooter. For lunch, I picked up Ann, and we cooked vegetarian food for Chris and his family. It turned out quite tasty in the end, even though Ann and I could only vaguely remember how to make fritatta (or however you spell it). Following lunch, we all went to the maroondah festival for a little while.
When I returned to my car after the festival, I found that a screw had decided to puncture my tyre! For the first time ever, I was required to change a tyre! It was quite funny, and Chris graciously stood around laughing and taking photos while I struggled with the stupid car. After the tyre was replaced, we had to rush to church, picking up Barbara along the way. I was surprised, we were only 20 mins late. (Thats a good effort considering the eventful afternoon)
This morning I have spent preparing for my worship service on the 5th of March. I am supposed to do the planning and preparation.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Lunch at TGI fridays was so much fun!  Posted by Picasa

This is the sexy new slider phone. My new baby can hook up to my PC so the calendar and other functions can sync.  Posted by Picasa

Valentine's Day flowers. They look very unusual, I called them "furry flowers" but I am sure they have a proper name.  Posted by Picasa