Thursday, February 23, 2006

Easing back into Uni life.

I suppose my return to University for this year really started last Friday, when I helped to set up the exhibition paying homage to the Germany 2005 experience. The exhibition formally opened on Tuesday. All went smoothly, and it was great to see so many people come along to share stories and good times. I have posted up some photos from the night, so I hope that says it all.
I was so much looking forward to seeing my older brother, David, for the night of my first exhibition, but he didn't come to see my work. Most disappointing That was the only let-down of the evening.
Wednesday I took a day to gather together my thoughts about Germany, and finished off some drawings for assessment. I have to present these along with a short talk about what I gained from the professional project while overseas. Wednesday night I spent preparing bits and pieces for a worship service I am supposed to lead at church on the 5th of March.
That brings us to today, Thursday. I spent today at Uni again, showing the new PDE students around the campus, and helping them figure out how to organize their classes and such. The day was really great, I even learned a thing or two while listening to the information sessions run by the student union and the course co-ordinators. Tonight I got home rather exhausted from the whole day. I put together a few last things for my presentation tomorrow, and pray that I will be able to talk for the whole time.
I really hope I don't just babble on. I can tell I am babbling on now, so I should goto bed. Goodnight world.

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