Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dinner party at Diana's

Yesterday was a fairly busy day, I had planned to spend the morning sleeping, but was rudely awoken by the phone ringing. It was the lady from the curtain shop calling, she said that the man who was supposed to come and install the curtains later in the day was actually sick, and would come around tomorrow. Seen as I was now awake, I decided to set to work updating my blog. (Oh the joys of a laptop, I could update from the comfort of my bed.)
I also spent some time organizing thank you notes, until I ran out of paper! I then turned my attention to getting my affairs in order before going to work at Oates. I paid my licence renewal, and I burned heaps of stuff off my computer. I was hoping to free up a couple few gigs of space, but I don't know how successful I was at it. I have one more major memory hog left on my computer, which is Matthew's 21st birthday party video. I burned a few DVDs of the video, but I could not fit the source files onto a DVD, so I won't be able to edit it again at a later stage.
In the afternoon, I took some thank you notes to people. I just did the letter-box drop thing, as it was easier and quicker. When I arrived home, I set to work preparing salad to take to Diana's dinner party.
The dinner party was something we had all wanted to do for a long time, but had just never gotten around to doing. Diana decided that we have to do it before the house is sold, and seen as the real estate agent put up their sign today, we really didn't have a lot of time left.
Everyone brought along a plate to share for the dinner party. I was assigned the job of preparing salad. I may have gone a little overboard, (I used two whole heads of lettuce), but I think everyone liked the salad. There was heaps left over, so we donated it to Diana's fridge.
As the party went on, there was playing of poker, and GameCube, and Nintendo DS. I won against Diana while playing the DS minigames. (yay! a video game I can win at). I was not so successful with mario racing on the GameCube. I got first place in one race, but usually Oilang would beat me! Once we were all sick of the video games, we dragged out the kareoke player and sang our little hearts out.
The whole night was so much fun, and Chris and I didn't go home until very late. (I think we crawled into bed around 2am) I took a time lapse video of the events as they unfolded over the evening. They are in the video I posted earlier today.
On a little side note, I wish I had played with the time lapse program more than I did before my birthday party. The video I took of he dinner party is cooler than the one I took at my party, because I did it with different settings.

The Dinner Party in time-lapse

Happy Birthday Chris

Happy Birthday Ben

Emma and Alan come to visit

The Mechanical Bull

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wrapping up

Well, the days after my party were crazy! I had such a full day on Saturday, that I had only about 10 minutes to open gifts before going on to the next event. As it happens, there were 4 events all on Saturday night. The first event that was happening was that my cousin, Alan, and his wife, Emma, were down from Queensland for the weekend. They had wanted to see everyone while they were down, so Dad organized for the whole family to go out for dinner with them. I made an appearance, but had to dash, seeing them for only about 10 minutes. We all decided that it was about time that Chris and I made it up to Queensland because of how pale my skin was looking.
The next party on the list was Ben's 21st. It was in Frankston, so Chris and I had quite a drive ahead of us. We arrived a little late, but that was ok. We were not too late to wish the birthday boy a happy birthday, and even beat a few of the other guys from uni there.
Ben had organized a mechanical bucking bull for the party, and people were trying to ride it. Scott said that I should have a go, and that he would have a go if I did. I told Tom that if I went, he had to go, and I think Tom had a deal going with Kade... and so the list goes on. Anyway, I was brave and had the first go on the mechanical bull. I was hopeless! I fell off in like 2 seconds! There is a video of it, but I don't know if I am brave enough to post it up on here.
Not wanting to be beaten, I got back on the bull, and was promptly thrown to the ground again. That would not have been so bad, except that Scott was next on the bull. He is a pro, and he stayed on for about 16 seconds!! Almost everyone from PDE had a go on the bull, which was a lot of fun and heaps of laughs. Unfortunately we had to leave the party straight after the speeches, because Chris Lyons had his 21st that night too. Chris Lyons' 21st was also at his house, in Selby! That's a pretty long drive that late at night!
By the time we got to Chris's party, almost all of his guests had left. We got to meet his family, and had some kebabs. It was a nice way to end the busy evening for us, and we got to chat with Chris properly because most of his other guests had left. The fourth event for the evening was supposed to be a church sleepover, but Chris and I decided that we really had to just head home to bed.
Sunday was a busy day too, with work in the morning for me, and then going to play mini-golf with the FTG church youth before heading over to High Street Road Uniting Church for their "Nearly NCYC" event. It was lots of fun, but I am a bit scared about exactly how close NCYC is now. It's only a month away. (Prayers go out to all the organizers, who will be stressed beyond belief at the moment.)
Monday I was supposed to work, however I slept through my alarm (probably because I was insanely tired) The rest of Monday was spent running around getting ready for Jeff's birthday dinner party which was in that evening. I also started to write thank-you notes to people after my 21st.
I baked a chocolate cake for Jeff's birthday and we ate it with ice cream! YUMMY! I had a few dramas with the chocolate cake, because I couldn't find the recipe that Mum usually uses, and Jeff is lactose intolerant so I had to use soy milk in everything. The soy turned out surprisingly well, and I was quite happy with the end result.
John and Jeff provided the main course, and cake made up the dessert. Main course was really yummy too, with lots of veggies (my favorite!) I got Jeff a really cool set of serving plates for his birthday, which I think he liked. John and Jeff chose out a cool lamp / water feature for me, so I just couldn't resist setting it up at their house.
Tuesday I had work in the morning, then came home to have a snooze. I was awoken by a phone call. It was Peter calling from Oates Clean (that's a company I applied for IBL at). He was calling to say that my application had been successful, and that they would love to have me along later this year. I was very excited, and promptly told everyone I spoke to about it. I guess that makes my anticipated graduation date over Christmas 2008.
The rest of the day was basically spent working on more thank you notes, and wrapping up all the stuff from my birthday. In the evening, I went on a night hike with the rovers, which was lots of fun. We made a BBQ dinner at the end of the hike.

Reflections from my 21st.

Wow! I have been so busy since last Friday that I have barely had time to think! I am going to try and write down a few things about the party before I forget it totally.
Well, I guess I should start with Friday morning, when I had to arise around 3.45am to go and take photos for the balloonists. The good thing about staring early is that you also get to finish reasonably early too.
Once I came home, I set to work organizing all the last minute details for my birthday party. I scanned images to make a slideshow and Russell taught me how to make one that's totally random! Mum had taken the day off her work, so she could go and organize the balloons and that sort of stuff. I had a nap in the afternoon, so I could not be too tired for my party.
We got to the party a little early to try and set up. Chris, Mum and I stuck my home-made centerpieces to the tables and mum put the balloons around on a couple tables. Then before I knew it, guests started arriving!
I then proceeded to spend the rest of the night chatting with guests and socializing. It was fantastic to see so many people there. Peter even made a big effort to travel a couple hours to help me celebrate. (At short notice thanks to Australia Post being really slow.)
So the first half of the night was in full swing, with lots of people socializing amongst themselves. Chris was taking care of meeting and greeting people at the door, and he organized so that everyone had drink cards and knew where the giant card was to sign.

Speaking of signing things, Mauris, Diana, Scott, Quang, Linda and Quoc bought me a giant Puppy-Dog lamp. It's like a white-board in that you can write messages on it and rub them off later. It instantly got set up in the corner for people to sign. My only worry is that now I won't be able to bring myself to rub off anyone's comments.
Around 9pm we decided to do speeches, before the DJ started. Dad delivered a great speech which Mum had written for him, thank goodness it was not too embarrassing. I am not sure how closely Dad followed what Mum had planned, because the light was dim, and he appeared to be having trouble reading his notes.
Once Dad had completed his speech, Barbara delivered a very touching speech. I almost teared up. Then it was my turn to speak. I don't know really what I said, I just remember being very thankful to everyone. I can remember looking out over the room and seeing every face looking back at me, every one was someone special to me, and I felt so special.
After the speeches there was dancing! Linda managed to get Dad to come and dance with all my uni friends too! I had such fun dancing the night away, and as the night went on, more and more people came! Church youth group played dark zone that night, so a lot of church people could not make it until after the dark zone had finished. It was so great to see everyone come along though.
As people started leaving, I tried to get a photo with each guest. I am not sure how well I did at that, but I have some great photos of the night! I went home around 2am, when Shine was closing. I was so tired, but so happy. Nobody could wipe the smile off my face.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Third Year: Complete

Well, I finished the year off on Wednesday, with my last exam being at 9am in the morning. The Design for Manufacture exam was one of the hardest and scariest exams I have ever sat, but I trust that I will be ok. I answered most of the questions, with only one that was too hard for me...
Following the exam, I went to The Hawthorn with all the guys from uni for lunch and a couple drinks. I ended up eating fish and chips, which were ok, but not the best. =( Oh well, it was nice to spend some time with people and unwind after all the stress of exams. I had to make an early retreat to start scanning photos for my 21st birthday party. I scanned a whole pile at uni, which was good, because I set up the scanner to do that one touch scanning thing... (Nobody touch the settings on the canon scanner in the EN building! ok? hehe)
That evening, I had the chance to see Cheyne's new place, which is actually really nice, and is in a central location for him. He is sharing with people who study at Monash. The people he is sharing the house with seem really nice. We had dinner together. (noodles and pizza, lol)
I managed to finish editing (mainly cropping and balancing) the photos I scanned earlier in the day while I was a Cheyne's place. I still don't know weather I am happy with the scanning quality or not, but that's typical of me. Some of the photos should feature up here after my 21st party.
Yesterday I did more scanning, this time at my place. I couldn't figure out how to set up one touch scanning on Dad's scanner, so it took a little longer than the one at uni. However I was impressed that my mac had a built in scanning tool... Microsoft should add a decent one into Windows too (seen as we all know they copy apple with everything! exhibit a: zoon music player...)
I met with Tina in the morning to organize the cake. I had told her about it quite a while ago, but for some reason she had not started making it. After our meeting, I spent the rest of the day preparing photos and a slide show for Friday night. I also made some decorations for the party (how creative...)
I worked at Kmart on Thursday night, and came home to find that we have no water. Every tap in the house would turn, but no water would come out! Either the drought has really hit hard, or this is a new plan for water restrictions! I actually think they are doing work on the water mains, because I saw a suspicious looking truck working at the side of the road as I was on my way to ballooning photos this morning.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sky High

I had dinner near sky high last night. Chris and I watched the sunset, and attempted to get some decent photos. It was really good, and something I would definately do again.

Birthday Photos

Chris and I

Phil and I just before cutting he cake. (And blowing out the candles of course!)

Present opening

Mum made me a great chocolate cake!

My family gave me some really nice cufflinks, they are going to be engraved with my initials, but Mum and Dad wanted to see if I liked them first.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Happy Birthday to me

I'm not sure what happened to my last post, it dosent seem to have appeared online after I posted it up. I wrote this on the 15th of November, this transcript should get everyone up to speed:

Well, yesterday was my first exam; Manufacturing Technology 2. I feel it went well, but am glad it's over. I spent a few days studying for it, but still went in feeling unprepared.
Even though most of my time this week was spent studying, I did manage to do a couple of fun thing too. One of which was to go and see Lano and Woodley. I wasn't planning to, but Ann kindly offered me her ticket because she was admitted to hospital to get her gall bladder removed. ( The concert was awesome, and a really nice surprise. *Thanks Ann*
Don't worry, Ann is making leaps and bounds with her recovery. Read all about it on her Blog.
On Sunday, the youth from Ferntree Gully and Scoresby led the worship service at Scoresby. Everything went smoothly, and we got nothing but good feedback about the service.
I guess that is most of the highlights from my life this weekend. I need to keep studying so that I can pass this next exam. The next one is on the 22nd of November. Following that exam is my birthday party! I am so looking forward to seeing everyone at my party on the 24th. See you all then!

Since I wrote that post, I have spent a lot of time procrastinating. I have been working on things to get ready for my birthday party (including getting a haircut and making centerpieces for the tables). I have gotten the birthday list almost all down pat. (IF ANYONE READING THIS STILL NEEDS TO RSVP, PLEASE DO SO IMMEDIATELY) Other procrastination activities include chatting on MSN, cooking and otherwise acting all distracted.
Yesterday was my birthday! Not just any birthday, it was my 21st birthday. I spent the day at home attempting to do a practice exam. In the end, i gave up on the practice exam and started cooking dinner. I made lasangua, complete with a side salad and some bread rolls. Mum had made a cake yesterday, so all she had to do when she came home was frost the cake and eat.
I must admit that it was a little weird cooking my own birthday dinner on the day of my 21st, though I guess I can also say it was weird having to study on my birthday too. I took some time to go and see Chris after the dinner preparations were under control. It was so nice to see Chris on my special day, I just wish that he could have come over for dinner too, but Mum and Dad wouldn't allow it. =(
You are all going to think I am such a freak, but I have to highlight the wrapping paper on the gift that Chris gave me. It was a mauve sort of color, and looked as if it was a raw finish on the paper. This effect was contrasted by a sewn pattern through the paper. The threads used seemed to be silky and the dye would gradually change colors... I will have to put up a photo so you all can see the paper! LOL The DVD inside the paper was a Steven Curtis Chapman Live DVD. I really like his music, so I can't wait to watch the DVD.
I had dinner with Mum, Dad and Phil. Mum and Dad gave me some gold cuff-links that they plan to get engraved with my initials. I thought it was such a sweet idea! I love the cufflinks too, they will come in handy next time I have to wear something formal.
I went to bed early because I had ballooning photos in the morning.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

One exam down, one to go.

Well, yesterday was my first exam; Manufacturing Technology 2. I feel it went well, but am glad it's over. I spent a few days studying for it, but still went in feeling unprepared.
Even though most of my time this week was spent studying, I did manage to do a couple of fun thing too. One of which was to go and see Lano and Woodley. I wasn't planning to, but Ann kindly offered me her ticket because she was admitted to hospital to get her gall bladder removed. ( The concert was awesome, and a really nice surprise. *Thanks Ann*
Don't worry, Ann is making leaps and bounds with her recovery. Read all about it on her Blog.
On Sunday, the youth from Ferntree Gully and Scoresby led the worship service at Scoresby. Everything went smoothly, and we got nothing but good feedback about the service.
I guess that is most of the highlights from my life this weekend. I need to keep studying so that I can pass this next exam. The next one is on the 22nd of November. Following that exam is my birthday party! I am so looking forward to seeing everyone at my party on the 24th. See you all then!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Winding up the semester

Written at 9.00am today:
Today marks the end of my design work for this semester. The Vending Machine project is finally finishing! Diana, Quang and I have our presentation at 2.00 today. We were up all night last night finishing off the final deliverables for the assignment. We finished around 1.30am, so I managed to get a couple of hours of sleep.
We went to a printing place last night that does really nice color printing and black and white prints. The shop is open until 11pm, even on a public holiday! I thought that was very impressive. It's in the city, near RMIT, so I guess they make their money off all the late night printing that students need.
On Saturday, I had a very busy day. Lucky I didn't have to work at the balloons, or else I really would have been rushed off my feet! I spent Saturday morning shopping for crepe paper in spotlight, so that I could use it to wrap a gift I had bought for Ness and Dave's house warming / Dave's 21st birthday. I found out that crepe paper is available in a pearlised finish, as well as the standard finish.
After working out the kind of paper I needed, and wrapping the present, we headed over to the party. Ness and Dave's new house is really cozy. It's a two bedroom weather board home on the side of the mountain in The Basin. Although the house is a little on the small side, it is set on a pretty large block, which has lots of potential. The view from their living room window is to die for! You can see all the way out to the city. I can imagine how cool it would be to watch the fireworks going off over the city on new-years eve or for any of Melbourne's other over-budget sporting events.
Chris and I left the party early, because I had to work at Kmart. (As usual, work is destroying my social life.) Work was spectacularly un-eventful, except for the fact that I worked with Rhys. Rhys is a new team member for sound and vision, and seems to know what he's doing, which is pretty good. Apparently he got the job after doing work experience in year 10. It made me think of what I did for work experience in year 10, Hallmark Cards. I am so glad that I did something that was so fun, and not just working in a shop.
I traveled straight from work to Ash's 21st birthday party, which was a boat cruise around Victoria Harbour and Docklands. It was such a fun night, and was filled with lots of memories for some people from PDE. I think that Linda discovered how little champagne is needed to significantly alter her behavior. Diana discovered just how much fun it can be to become friends with Brazilian waiters, and Quang drank enough to prevent him from being the designated driver (as he was supposed to be). Anyways, it was heaps of fun, and there are photos up on my blog.
Written at 8:20pm:
Well, the presentation is all over (finally) and I feel that we went well. Kate and Simon seemed to really like our concept. I have uploaded all the slides we presented, but they came up much smaller than I had imagined they should. Perhaps I will re-upload them sometime.
Tomorrow is my E D Oates Interview, so I had better prepare myself for that. I can't wait to go to Perth, so that I don't have anything to do!

Exploded View of Thirsty Vending Machine

Handle of the Thirsty Vending Machine

Thirsty Project Presentation