Friday, October 29, 2004

Nearly there!

Today marks a milestone in the lamp saga, with all work being complete on the exterior, and now I can focus on the electrics inside the lamp. Only 2 more sleeps till it is due, and I get the feeling that they could turn out to be 2 very short sleeps! lol. I still have to make packaging for my lamp, so today at work I will have a look for some cardboard boxes, if I cant find any the right shape, I might have to modify one from some boxes we have at home. Mum will be glad if I manage to get rid of some of the cardboard cluttering up the garage. lol.
Right now I am on my way to work at the post office. Today I plan to ask my boss if I can consolidate some shifts so I don't have to travel so much. As it is at the moment, I travel 1hr each way to get there, which is ok while uni is going, but in the holidays, it seems kind of pointless travelling 2 hours a day just so I can work a 3 or 2 hour shift. So I hope it all works out ok.
Yesterday I had the last of my confirmation classes, and we plan to have the confirmation service on the first Sunday in advent. That would make it the 28th of November I think. Sometime around there anyway. Tim and I are getting confirmed together, but I'm not sure if Daniel will, he's still making up his mind about who Jesus is and what he did for us. So I think he could get confirmed later, maybe in the next group. We'll see how it all works out.

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