Monday, July 03, 2006

New Job =)

Over the weekend, I managed to work quite a lot at Kmart, which is good, because it will help plumpen up my bank balance. On Saturday night, Mr Dean and Mr Drew joined CJ and I for dinner. Chris and I had spent all day cooking and were able to have a really nice vegetarian meal ready for D&D. Unfortunately, Drew was not feeling the best, so they headed home reasonably early. It was good to see them and catch up though. Dean has finished work with his current company, so I guess dinner was a little bit in celebration.
Sunday was pretty normal, went to church in the morning then worked in the afternoon, and went to church again in the evening. (Wow, normal is pretty busy!) After church, CJ and I caught up with Brendan.
This morning, I completed all the preparation for rovers tomorrow night. I' looking forward to it, even if the weather is going to be a bit chilly for a outdoors scavenger hunt.
Mum and Dad are in renovation mode, getting new flooring through half the house, and buying a new washing machine and dryer. Dad wants to top it off with a new flat panel TV, but I don't think Mum will let him. LOL. The flooring man is here measuring the house to give us a quote, so I had better go.

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