Monday, March 26, 2007

Interstate Visitors

Sunday was Grandma Wheatland's 83rd birthday. To celebrate, the whole family got together for a meal at the middle hotel. It was made extra special by the fact that we were joined by Aunty Lorraine, who traveled from Queensland for the occasion. She is staying for a week with Grandma, and will spend some time visiting Grandpa as well.
I know Grandma doesn't ever let on that she wants a present for her birthday, but I got her one anyway. I printed off a photo of us together at my 21st birthday (it was a really nice photo, considering that it was just a happy snap). I bought a pewter photo frame for it to go in, and wrapped it up in the best wrapping paper I could find. You should have seen the look on Grandma's face when she opened it. I could tell she loved it. =) she then proceeded to show it off to everyone around the table. It was so nice. I think Grandma secretly loved getting a personal present for her birthday.
Chris and I sat opposite Michael, and next to Matthew over dinner. You can imagine what the conversation was like.... quite lively! We discussed all the world's problems, such as cloning, stem cell research, the water shortage, Australia's green energy problem, and interest rates. I really enjoyed the lively debate, but all good things must come to an end, so we left the restaurant around 10pm to head home. It was a fantastic evening out, but I didn't really get to chat with Aunty Lorraine much, so maybe sometime during the week we can catch up. =)

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