Monday, June 05, 2006

Since we last spoke

Well, since last time we spoke, I have had a... different... weekend. It started off with Dean, Chris and I heading down to Di and Russell's place in Geelong to celebrate Russell's birthday. I had never been to Russell & Di's place before, so it was really nice of them to let us stay the night. (Chris hadn't quite gotten around to organizing where we were going to sleep after the party)
Sunday morning we got up bright and early.... ok, so it was around 8am.... so that we could goto church with Russell and Di. The church was big and old, and like most churches of it's time, really cold. After church there was a "car event", which was basically a treasure hunt on wheels. It's not allowed to be called a car rally because of insurance issues. Chris and I made up team Sophia, and I thought we were doing pretty well, until we arrived at the second checkpoint so late that there was nobody left at the checkpoint. Russell called us and told us we should just open the envelope, so we had little choice in the matter. Opening the envelope is like looking at the answers, you get all your points halved! I felt like we had lost, and was not happy for the rest of the car trip.
When we found out our score, I wasn't so unhappy. We scored 160 points (without the half points for opening the envelope), and that was only the first two legs. Had there been no time limit, I think we could have done really well. But unfortunately we didn't quite finish within the time limit.
Arrived home around 9pm last night and went straight to bed. I was so tired. This morning I haven't really done much, just tidied up a little bit around the house and uploaded photos and videos.

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