Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Over the past couple of days I have been helping the church youth deliver phone books to raise money for NCYC, which is being held in Perth at the end of the year. I've gotten the delivery technique down to a fine art, even figuring out the best way to build a fort out of the books that are on the trailer. LOL. (Yes, I am such a little child) The phone books I helped deliver, were delivered on Monday, and this morning.
Monday night was 18 Plus, as usual. We watched a new "nooma" short film, and discussed it. Kat and Jase brought along their chocolate fountain, so everyone sampled some melted chocolate goodness. It reminded me of the fountain that was at the chocolate museum in Germany, but just a lot smaller. This one was yummier though, cause you could dip in anything u wanted..... even Krispy Kreme doughnuts! (As if they weren't unhealthy enough!)
Tuesday I took a break from the phone books, and went to the city. I stopped off at uni, paying the last $6 that was outstanding on my course fees. I was in the city to draw up a treasure hunt of types. The idea was to draw a path through the city, then go about writing clues based on signs and landmarks along the way. It was freezing outside, and I could hardly hold my pen by the end of it. Cheyne came into the city to have lunch with me. On the way home I had to stop at Swinburne again, so that I could pick up the certificate and prize money from the Weir-Warman competition.
Tuesday night, Chris and I had all the rovers over to watch an international film. It's part of our international month theme. I fell asleep half way through the Japanese film that Tim had chosen, so I have no idea how it ended.

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