Friday, November 04, 2005

9 days left!

There are just 9 sleeps left until I am jetting off to Germany! This morning I had my first exam, Machine Dynamics. I was dreading it, and didnt feel like the class had covered the material properly, so during swatvac I was sort of left to my own devices. Fortunately, I revised most of the material that was on the exam. there were only 3 questions that I wasnt sure about, (that's 30 points out of 100), so hopefully i will score around 70ish. I will be happy with that.
Anyway, now that the terror exam is over, I can focus on more important things, like shopping! lol. I've organized to go shopping tonight for things I might need while I am in Germany. I also need to make a birthday wish list so people know what to get me. So far my list consists of a spare camera battery (Canon NB-4L), some sunnies that dont make me look like a fish, new clothes are always welcome too, and I need a power adapter plug for German to Aussie plugs. My 20th birthday celebration is on the 11th of November at the Hawthorn Pub (thats on burwood road). I am aiming to get there about 9pm. All are welcome.
I had better be off, it's after 2pm and I havent eaten lunch. Then I will set about doing some practice exams and organizing for Germany!

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