Saturday, April 08, 2006

Thumbs up

The outcome of my meeting with the IBL manager was this: GO FOR IT!! I'm so excited. I have to try and get in contact with the people at Apple now, and tell them all about Product Design Engineering and why they should adopt me!!
I got a further 2 minutes of fame on the radio... I sent them an e-mail, and they read it on the show. I am quite enjoying the daytime radio programming on Joy FM. I actually an see myself becoming some kind of activist for equal rights, which is not something I had seen coming in my future.
Tonight is the foam party, I am so excited... I still haven't figured out what to wear, I guess I will just grab anything from the cupboard.
Yesterday, after my IBL meeting, I met with Diana to go over ideas for our winch project. I am still bamboozled by all the options and work that is involved in the assignment, but I guess thats pretty natural.
Today I am making great headway in thermodynamics, I plan to have all the questions down by the time I goto work this afternoon. At this rate, it should not be any problem.
Tomorrow will be fun, I am planning to sleep most of the morning away, and go to the football with Chris in the afternoon, then we have some birthday parties to goto. I should really organize some cards for Gavin and Brendan.

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