Friday, May 26, 2006

The Premier's Design Awards

Well, the last 48 hours have been very full on; and I don't even get any marks for it! LOL. I guess I should console myself with the thought that Weeksy, Gav and I might be able to share in $5000 prize money. Some of you will be thinking 'what is Andrew on about?' and quite rightly so. Let me explain.
On Wednesday, Gavin asked if I had entered this design competition that Judith had wanted us to enter ages ago. I had forgotten about it, so the next day I googled the awards. I found that we had 48 hours to scrape together an entry into the design awards! E-mails started flying and soon enough, we had enough work to put together a small presentation for the judging panel. The project we presented was the wireless medical device that was designed by us last year. I just got back from dropping it off in the city, so fingers crossed that they like it.
Tonight I was supposed to attend a fancy dress party as something from the circus, but with this project, I just don't feel up to it. I will have to call Olman and let him know.

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