Thursday, September 02, 2004

Major folio 1 complete!!

Well, I am on my way home from University. Thursdays are my 'design' days. I have a studio class and a lecture. Todays lecture was all about how to present to a group. We had a chance to practice our newly aquired skills during the studio class. Everyone had to submit their major folio today, the task was to create a pop up book. Each student had to present their final work to the class. My pop up was based around the interior of a train. Many others were inspired by buildings or animals.
Actually getting my work prepared for submission took me almost all night. I got about 1 hour of sleep. The main thing is that it is over. My next project is to create a cafe table lamp, I am looking forward to working on it. This afternoon I plan on taking a nap, then I have a job interview with K-Mart. I hope I can pick up some extra shifts over my school break.

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